I think it's because I conceived of this blog when I was in a bad place, Bones-wise. Surely, you can tell by my last post that I have a lot of issues I need to resolve on this front--changes to the show and the characters I need to accept-- before I can really move forward in discussing the series.
And so, I think this blog is going to take a turn-- one that I (truly) didn't expect... which excites me!
I'm going back. Back through the so-called "old-school" Bones episodes: back through the mystery of Brennan's parents, through Booths many romps, through the "Gorgonzola" ordeal. Back to Zack and Brennan's more bohemian look. Back through Cam's first cases, through Sully, through Brennan learning to trust and love.
I'm going back to the beginning, where it all started a mere seven months ago on a computer screen (via Netflix instant play): Season 1, episode 1. And I'm going to re-watch the series. Again.
(Can you believe that in such a short time I've re-watched seasons 1 and 2 four times, seasons 3, three times, and seasons 4 and 5 twice?)
Of course, I'll be watching with a different perspective now, one more knowledgeable. One more aware...
I'm not sure what I'll be looking for; I need to re-watch a few episodes of season 6 to figure that out (and when I do, I'll post a list as a reminder), but I know I want to look for fear-- for moments reminiscent of the end of the 100th episode (Booth willing; Brennan afraid)... of course, much more subtle. Much less intense.
I was inspired by 100daysofbones.wordpress.com... but it won't be like that, this new blog-turn. There will be no reviews, per say. No structured posts. Just what comes out...
I think. I'll know more next week. I just to say that this isn't the end, but the beginning-- like The Beginning in the End, but less heartbreaking.
ps. I want to make a shout-out to my first follower, because logging in today and finding that someone has, indeed, been reading, really encouraged me to be bold, live wide, and take this new direction.
So, thank you, and to you, I dedicate this post! :)